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About Hongjun Yan

Hongjun Yan is the Richard H. Driehaus Chair in Behavioral Finance at DePaul University. His research focuses on asset pricing in the presence of frictions, including market imperfections and bounded rationality. His studies have been published in the Review of Economic Studies, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics, Management Science and the Review of Finance, among other journals. He also serves as associate editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance.
Yan is the winner of the NASDAQ OMX Award for the Best Paper on Asset Pricing presented at the Western Finance Association's 2011 conference. Before joining DePaul, he taught at the Yale School of Management from 2005 to 2015, and at Rutgers University from 2015 to 2016. He has a PhD in finance from London Business School.


Present Chair and Director of Richard H. Driehaus Center for Behavioral Finance, DePaul University driehaus college of business


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Published Papers (9)

Working Papers (12)