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About Hong Y. Ling

My research interests include atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum optics. The focus of my research is on low-temperature many-body systems which, depending on whether their constituents, are bosons or fermions or mixtures of both, can exhibit different but equally fascinating quantum effects at the macroscopic level. The experimental progress in cold atom physics has enabled such phenomena, which were only accessible to a few isotopes in solid state systems, such as 3He and 4He, to be studied in cold atom quantum gases. Of particular relevance are multi-component quantum gases which can exist as Bose Bose, Fermi-Fermi, and Bose-Ferm binary mixtures, and as Bose-Bose-Bose, Fermi-Fermi-Bose, and Bose Fermi-Fermi ternary mixtures. The list of possible quantum gases in cold atom systems, thus, seems endless in view of the rich existence of atomic elements and their isotopes in nature. Examples of my current research include exotic phases with unconventional Cooper pairings, nonequilibrium phenomena, polarons, etc., in a strongly interacting quantum gases either in continues or in lattice models.


Present Professor, Physics & Astronomy, Rowan University College of Science & Mathematics


Research Interests

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Honors and Awards

  • Rowan University Research Achievement Award 2011
  • KITP Scholar 2013-2015, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA


PhD, Drexel University ‐ Physics
MS, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ‐ Optics
BS, Jiaxin Teacher's College ‐ Physics

Recent Works (2)

Journal Articles (10)