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Green Transportation Taxes and Fees: A Survey of Public Preferences in California
Transportation Research D (2010)
  • Asha W. Agrawal, San Jose State University
  • Jennifer Dill, Portland State University
  • Hilary Nixon, San Jose State University

This paper presents the results of a survey testing whether California residents would support the concept of “green” transportation taxes and fees. Green taxes and fees would be set at variable rates, with higher rates for more polluting vehicles and lower rates for those that pollute less. The results show that the concept of green transportation taxes and fees strongly appeals to Californians. The survey data were also analyzed to identify if sub-groups within the state were particularly likely to support or oppose green transportation taxes and fees. Support for the green taxes and fees held at 50% or higher across most population sub-groups. Bivariate analysis showed that demographic factors were generally poor predictors of support, but that some attitudinal and knowledge variables did correlate with increased support for the green taxes and fees. Multivariate analysis confirmed that pro-environment and pro-government attitudes are significant and strong predictors of support for increasing transportation revenues.

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Citation Information
Asha W. Agrawal, Jennifer Dill and Hilary Nixon. "Green Transportation Taxes and Fees: A Survey of Public Preferences in California" Transportation Research D Vol. 15 Iss. 4 (2010)
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