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Consumer Financial Protection: It's A Smaller World After All.pdf
Banking Report (BNA) (2011)
  • Hilary J Allen, American University Washington College of Law
Few of the reforms of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) have
been as controversial as the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. On the one hand,
proponents envisioned the Bureau as “a single, highly motivated federal regulator, [that would apply] the same
regulation … to all similar products, regardless of the identity of the lender.” On the other hand, critics have
called the Bureau “fatally flawed” and suggested that it has the potential to “stifle innovation and leave some
market participants worse off.”
  • Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform,
  • Consumer Protection Act,
  • Dodd-Frank,
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Publication Date
March 22, 2011
Citation Information
Hilary J Allen. "Consumer Financial Protection: It's A Smaller World After All.pdf" Banking Report (BNA) Vol. 96 Iss. 12 (2011)
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