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Continuous Nowhere-Differentiable Functions-an Application of Contraction Mappings
The American Mathematical Monthly (1991)
  • Hidefumi Katsuura, San Jose State University
Introduction. The existence of a continuous nowhere-differentiable function is well known, and many such functions are known. Most of them are variations of the following examples. Examples have concise definitions and establish the existence of continuous nowhere-differentiable functions. However, it is not easy to visualize or guess what their graphs look like, let alone to see intuitively why they work.
  • Continuous nowhere,
  • Mathematical,
  • Contraction mappings
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Citation Information
Hidefumi Katsuura. "Continuous Nowhere-Differentiable Functions-an Application of Contraction Mappings" The American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 98 Iss. 5 (1991)
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