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How to Become a Better Reader
Medium (2022)
  • Heriberto Godina, Texas A&M International University
If you consider yourself to be a good reader, these suggestions may help you move up to the next level. If you are not a good reader, or maybe don’t even like reading, then these suggestions can also help you reconsider. Naval Ravikant astutely observed how reading is a super power (Jorgenson, 2020). In order to fully understand the scope of what reading can do in your life, you have to also understand how reading is a reflection of the human condition. Reading has become an integral component of our human evolution. When you become a better reader, a piece of you helps lift our species up from the swamp of ignorance. However, reading is a difficult process, and many people go their entire lives without reading at an optimum level.
  • reading,
  • personal development,
  • cognition,
  • comprehension,
  • motivation
Publication Date
December 18, 2022
Citation Information
Godina, H. (2022, Dec. 18). How to become a better reader. Medium.
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