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Sharing Public Safety Helicopters (with E. Sprague & C. Cue)
Journal of Air Law & Commerce (2014)
  • Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Chicago-Kent College of Law
  • Eliot O. Sprague
  • Christopher L. Cue
Helicopters are unique assets to public safety operations. Too few local governments can afford them, however. A variety of legal mechanisms exit to share helicopters. The article explores the mechanisms, considers the possibility that municipalities might be liable for not using them, all in the context of practical examples of helicopter support.
  • helicopters,
  • law enforcement,
  • search and rescue,
  • disaster relief,
  • mutual aid pacts
Publication Date
Citation Information
Sharing Public Safety Helicopters, 79 J. AIR LAW & COMMERCE 501 (2014) (with Eliot O. Sprague and Christopher L. Cue)