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The 'Non-Polluter Gets Paid' principle for Third World Commodity Exports
The European Journal of Development Research (1991)
  • Henk LM Kox
Environmental degradation does not stop at national borders and a considerable part of such environmntal degradation is associated with commodity exports from developing countries to OECD countries and other high-income countries. Market conditions in these markets are often such that cut-throat competition prevents internalisation of the costs of better environmental preservation. Meanwhile, commodity exports form an indispensable source for financing imports in developing countries. This article proposes an economic instrument that allows the internalisation of environmental preservation costs for primary commodities, the International Commodity-Related Environmental Agreement (ICREA). The article shows how the instrument could work.
  • commodity trade; environmental externalities; market failure
Publication Date
June, 1991
Publisher Statement
Also published as book contribution in: Olav Stokke (ed.), Sustainable Development, London: Frank Cass, pp.73-100
Citation Information
Henk LM Kox. "The 'Non-Polluter Gets Paid' principle for Third World Commodity Exports" The European Journal of Development Research Vol. 3 Iss. 1 (1991) p. 78 - 107
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