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Spatially localized measurement of thermal conductivity using a hybrid photothermal technique
Journal of Applied Physics
  • Zilong Hua
  • Heng Ban, Utah State University
  • Marat Khafizov
  • Robert Schley
  • Rory Kennedy
  • David H. Hurley
Document Type
AIP Publishing
Publication Date

A photothermal technique capable of measuring thermal conductivity with micrometer lateral resolution is presented. This technique involves measuring separately the thermal diffusivity, D, and thermal effusivity, e, to extract the thermal conductivity, k = (e2/D)1/2. To generalize this approach, sensitivity analysis is conducted for materials having a range of thermal conductivities. Application to nuclear fuel is consider by performing experimental validation using two materials (CaF2 and SiO2) having thermal properties representative of fresh and high burnup nuclear fuel. The measured conductivities compare favorably with literature values.


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Citation Information
Zilong Hua, Heng Ban, Marat Khafizov, Robert Schley, et al.. "Spatially localized measurement of thermal conductivity using a hybrid photothermal technique" Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 111 Iss. 10 (2012)
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