Review of "Postmodern Philosophy and the Scientific Turn" by Dorothea Olkowski (2012)
Notre Dame Review of Books
In what ways do science and philosophy mutually influence one another? And in what ways can this relational influence be productive, science recognizing its own ethical implications and philosophy acknowledging the science that structures it? Dorothea Olkowski takes on these questions in a remarkably lucid analysis of the relationship between philosophy and science in order, specifically, to consider the ontological and ethical consequences of the scientific turn in recent postmodern philosophy.
- postmodern philosophy,
- science,
- Deleuze,
- Arendt,
- non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Publication Date
December 20, 2012
Citation Information
Helen A. Fielding, Review of Dorothea Olkowski, “Postmodern Philosophy and the Scientific Turn” (Indiana University Press, 2012). In Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2012.12.20 (On-line).