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ARCHON to ASpace: Adventures in Archives Migration
Library Services Publications
  • Adam Stephen Guy Smith, Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • Heidi J. Southworth, Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • Tom Tran, Minnesota State University, Mankato
  • Daniel Vang, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Document Type
Conference Presentation
Publication Date

In August 2018, the University Archives and Southern Minnesota Historical Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato decided to migrate our finding aids and collection information from a hidden ARCHON database to a publicly available ArchivesSpace instance. This time sensitive decision was made with no budget available and in the midst of both a library system migration (Aleph to Alma/Primo) and an entire University website migration that affected us more than we initially thought. Three migrations is no big deal, right? This session will talk about our migration from design to implementation to “Oops! Where did that go?” We will share with you what worked and what didn’t in our path to creating a new searchable archives tool for our patrons.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Smith, A., Southworth, H., Tran, T., Vang, D. (2020, March 19). ARCHON to ASpace: Adventures in Archives Migration. Presentation written for the 2020 Library Technology Conference at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN. (Presentation cancelled due to Conference cancelled due to COVID-19.)