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Positive Psychology and LGBTQ Populations
Psychology Faculty Publication Series
  • Sharon G. Horne, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Julia A. Puckett, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Raphael Apter, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Heidi Levitt, University of Massachusetts Boston
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Extant research suggests that there are benefits and positive aspects of LGBTQ identities and relationships. For example, many sexual minorities report increased confidence, more positive self-regard, and greater empathy for others as a result of publicly and openly identifying as LGBTQ. Despite limited conceptualizations of LGBTQ issues within a positive psychological framework to date, exploring strengths and positive psychology can be useful for understanding many of the facets of LGBTQ identity that may have psychological benefit: freedom from socially restrictive views of gender expression and sexual identity; multiple psychological benefits from same-sex relationships and families including the emphasis on relationship equality and shared labor division, as well as expansive gender roles among children of LGB couples; and strengths gained through forming LGBTQ communities of support and participation in social justice movements.


Chapter in Perspectives on the Intersection of Multiculturalism and Positive Psychology (Springer), edited by Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti and Lisa M. Edwards. Visit

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Citation Information
Horne, S. G., Puckett, J.A., Apter, R., & Levitt, H. M. (2014). Positive Psychology and LGBTQ Populations. In J. Teramota Pedrotti & L. Edwards (Eds.), Perspectives on the Intersection of Positive Psychology and Multiculturalism (pp. 189-204). NY: Springer Publishing.