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a-Methylacyl-Coenzyme A Racemasce (AMACR) and ProEx C Expression in Serrated Colonic Adenomas.
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
  • Marilyn Baird, MD
  • Heba Y Durra, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Susan Inniss, MD
  • Yajue Huang, MD, PhD
  • Charalambos C Solomides, MD
  • Alessandro Bombonati, md
  • Ruth Birbe, MD
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Citation Information

Baird, M., Durra, H. Inniss, S., Huang, Y., Solomides, C., Bombonati, A., Birbe, R., (2009, October) a-Methylacyl-Coenzyme A Racemase (AMACR) and ProEx C Expression in Serrated Colonic Adenomas. Poster presented at: American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP), Chicago, IL.