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Foreign language teaching assistant professional development: Challenges and strategies in meeting the 2007 MLA Report’s calls for change
Reset/Reboot/Recoup: The New College Language & Cultural Studies (2012)
  • Heather W. Allen, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This presentation will include discussion of both challenges and strategies in meeting the 2007 MLA Report’s calls for change in lower-division FL courses and, in particular, in relation to TA professional development. A pedagogy of multiliteracies (Gee, 1990; Kern, 2000; New London Group, 1996; Swaffar & Arens, 2005) is posited as an appropriate framework for anchoring TA professional development and several concepts from Vygotskian cultural-historical psychology (e.g., everyday and scientific concepts, appropriation, dialogic mediation, assisted performance) are foregrounded as key elements of professional development activities. Examples will be shared from several empirical studies of TA conceptual development (Allen, 2011; Allen & Dupuy, 2011; Dupuy & Allen, in press) as analyzed in both early in-service and later FL pedagogy seminars.
Publication Date
March 3, 2012
Citation Information
Heather W. Allen. "Foreign language teaching assistant professional development: Challenges and strategies in meeting the 2007 MLA Report’s calls for change" Reset/Reboot/Recoup: The New College Language & Cultural Studies (2012)
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