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Contribution to Book
Service-Learning With Students With Exceptionalities: A Commitment to Inclusion in General Education Teacher Preparation
Handbook of Research on Service-Learning Initiatives in Teacher Education Programs
  • Heather Haynes Smith, Trinity University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

Aspiring educators require more than a basic understanding of inclusion. They need to know how to support students with exceptionalities and inclusion. The purpose of this chapter is to describe how general education pre-service teachers' participation in authentic service-learning experiences during teacher preparation can support deeper understanding of the theories and practices to support inclusion. This chapter begins with a brief history of inclusion and research on the efficacy of service-learning in teacher preparation. The chapter continues by focusing on the intersection of inclusion and service-learning, describing the advantages integrating an inclusion-focused service-learning opportunity in a required course on students with exceptionalities. This chapter provides an example of one university's experience and concludes with practical recommendations and discussion of planning, implementing, and assessing course-embedded service-learning and directions for future research.

Tynisha D. Meidl & Margaret-Mary Sulentic Dowell
IGI Global
Citation Information
Smith, H. H. (2018). Service-learning with students with exceptionalities: A commitment to inclusion in general education teacher preparation. In T. D. Meidl & M.-M. Sulentic Dowell (Eds.), Handbook of research on service-learning initiatives in teacher education programs (pp. 182-202). IGI Global.