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Buccal and Palatal Talon Cusps with Pulp Extensions on a Supernumerary Primary Tooth
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (DMFR)
  • Esin Siraci, Hacettepe University
  • H. Cem Güngör, Marquette University
  • Zafer C. Cehreli, Hacettepe University
  • B. Taner, University of Basel
Document Type
Publication Date
British Institute of Radiology
Original Item ID
DOI: 10.1259/dmfr/64715224

This paper reports an unusual occurrence of talon cusp on a supernumerary primary incisor, presenting on both labial and palatal sides. The tooth was scheduled for extraction due to its interference with the occlusion. Morphometric analysis of the taloned cusps was performed on digitized replicas of the tooth crown using open-source image analysis toolkit (ImageJ). Further non-destructive investigation of the taloned crown under cone-beam X-ray computed tomography revealed pulpal extensions in both talon cusps.


Accepted version. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (DMFR), Vol. 35, No. 6 (November 2006): 469-472. DOI. © 2006 British Institute of Radiology. Used with permission.

H. Cem Gungor was affiliated with Hacettepe University at the time of publication.

Citation Information
Esin Siraci, H. Cem Güngör, Zafer C. Cehreli and B. Taner. "Buccal and Palatal Talon Cusps with Pulp Extensions on a Supernumerary Primary Tooth" Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (DMFR) (2006) ISSN: 0250-832X
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