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OER Communication Strategies
Northeast Regional OER Summit
  • Hayley Battaglia, Southern Connecticut State University
Presentation Type
Session Abstract

Learn to leverage effective communication strategies for the promotion of OER. This presentation will discuss the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities' development of the new OpenCSCU OER Blog to highlight the insights, expertise, and achievements of our colleagues working in OER and to promote opportunities for collaboration and professional development.

Objectives of the Session

How to create a LibGuides blog

How to research and develop an editorial policy and plan for producing a blog

The benefits of incorporating a blog into your information sharing plan

How to come up with effective strategies for sharing information in your network

Full Description of the Session

You've created your OER materials or come up with an argument for the importance of supporting OER at your institution, but how do you publicize your work and create buy-in with your community and administrators? Communication plays an essential role in the OER community and you can increase the success of your work in OER by leveraging effective communication strategies. This presentation will discuss how the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCUs) use the OpenCSCU website platform and the recent development of the OpenCSCU OER Blog to highlight the insights, expertise, and achievements of our colleagues working in OER and to promote opportunities for collaboration and professional development. I will cover the process of identifying the blog as a suitable means of information sharing, the planning and research stages, and the initial implementation and reception, as well as goal for the future. I will also ask attendees to think about their own institutions or communities and their stakeholders, and what modes of communication would best reach their intended audiences. I will do some polling using mentimeter to gauge attendee experience and opinion.

Presenter Bios

Hayley Battaglia is the Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian at Hilton C. Buley Library of Southern Connecticut State University. She is a member of the CSCU OER Advisory Council, chair of the OER Committee at Buley Library, a graduate of the Creative Commons Certificate Course and editor of the OpenCSCU OER Blog.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
Start Date
27-5-2022 10:30 AM
End Date
27-5-2022 11:00 AM
Citation Information
Hayley Battaglia. "OER Communication Strategies" (2022)
Available at: