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About Hava Siegelmann

Prof. Hava Siegelmann is an Adjunct Professor in the Machine Learning Department and Senior Research Advisor at Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI).


Prof. Siegelmann is an internationally known professor of computer science, and a recognized expert in neural networks. She is particularly known for introducing a new type of artificial intelligence (AI) - Lifelong Learning AI - where learning can be done during execution, and the system is not fully dependent on pre-training and batch learning. Lifelong Learning AI is founded on Siegelmann’s ground-breaking work in computing beyond the Turing limit and introduction of the super-Turing computational hierarchy.

Prof. Siegelmann is also known for the development of the Support Vector Clustering (SVC), among the most utile, and widely used datamining algorithms. Her results in neuroscience include identification of the human connectome’s mechanism for abstraction and generalization, which is now being adapted into neural networks AI, and the study of memory reconsolidation, the first clear lifelong learning mechanism to be found to regularly update memories. Her work in intelligent machine-human collaboration and advanced neural networks led to multiple high-tech applications.

Prof. Siegelmann is a leader in increasing awareness of ethical AI and in supporting diversity in AI and STEM fields all over the world. Prior to joining MBZUAI, she was an assistant professor at the Technion and has been a visiting professor at MIT, Harvard University, the Weizmann Institute, ETH, the Salk Institute, Mathematical Science Research Institute Berkeley, and the Newton Institute Cambridge University. She currently holds the title of University of Massachusetts Provost Professor and serves as a core member of the Neuroscience and Behaviour Program; she is a member of the university’s steering committee for the Initiative of Neuroscience (IONS) and director of the Biologically Inspired Neural and Dynamical Systems (BINDS) Laboratory.


Present Adjunct Professor and Senior Adviser, Research, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence Department of Machine Learning

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2022 Fellow, INNS (International Neural Networks Society)
1999 - 2022 Editorial Board member, American Institute of Physics Journal Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
2017 - 2019 Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
2017 Fellow, IEEE
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Honors and Awards

  • Meritorious Public Service Medal, DARPA/DoD, 2020
  • The Donald O. Hebb Award for “contribution to biological learning,” the International Neural Network Society (INNS), 2016
  • The Obama BRAIN Initiative award – for studying the influence of energy constraints on brain activity, 2015
  • The Center for Complexity Science fellowship, 2007
  • The Alon Fellowship of the Israeli National Committee for Higher Education (18 fellowships a year), 1994 - 1997
  • Top undergraduate medal (Knesset) State of Israel, 1984
  • Artist Certificate in Piano, The Rubin Conservatory, 1982