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Resonance of flexible flapping wings at low Reynolds number
Physical Review E (2010)
  • Hassan Masoud, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Alexander Alexeev, Georgia Institute of Technology
Using three-dimensional computer simulations, we examine hovering aerodynamics of flexible planar wings
oscillating at resonance. We model flexible wings as tilted elastic plates whose sinusoidal plunging motion is
imposed at the plate root. Our simulations reveal that large-amplitude resonance oscillations of elastic wings
drastically enhance aerodynamic lift and efficiency of low-Reynolds-number plunging. Driven by a simple
sinusoidal stroke, flexible wings at resonance generate a hovering force comparable to that of small insects that
employ a very efficient but much more complicated stroke kinematics. Our results indicate the feasibility of
using flexible wings driven by a simple harmonic stroke for designing efficient microscale flying machines.
Publication Date
May 6, 2010
Publisher Statement
©2010 American Physical Society. Publisher's version of record:
Citation Information
Hassan Masoud and Alexander Alexeev. "Resonance of flexible flapping wings at low Reynolds number" Physical Review E Vol. 81 Iss. 5 (2010) p. 56304-1 - 56304-5 ISSN: 2470-0045
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