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When People Evaluate Others, the Level of Others’ Narcissism Matters Less to Evaluators Who are Narcissistic
Social Psychological and Personality Science
  • Harry M. Wallace, Trinity University
  • Andrew Grotzinger, Trinity University
  • Tyler J. Howard, Trinity University
  • Nousha Parkhill, Trinity University
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Prior studies have documented how people in general respond to others’ narcissism, but existing research offers few clues about whether and how evaluator narcissism influences judgments of traits associated with narcissism. Participants completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and then evaluated hypothetical target persons. Target narcissism was conveyed through a single trait description (Study 1), a list of traits (Study 2), or Facebook content (Study 3). Narcissistic qualities were reliably viewed unfavorably, but narcissistic participants were comparatively less bothered by target narcissism and less positive in their judgments of targets without narcissistic qualities. In each study, symptoms of the presence or absence of narcissism had less impact on the social judgments of participants who were narcissistic.

SAGE Publications Inc.
Citation Information
Wallace, H. M., Grotzinger, A., Howard, T. J., & Parkhill, N. (2015). When people evaluate others, the level of others’ narcissism matters less to evaluators who are narcissistic. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(7), 805-813.