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About Harry van der Linden

Van der Linden is the author of Kantian Ethics and Socialism and (co)edited several volumes, including Rethinking the Just War Tradition. His articles address Marxism, neo-Kantian socialism, economic migration, global poverty, and the morality of warfare, covering such topics as preventive war, asymmetric warfare, combatant’s privilege, humanitarian intervention, drone warfare, and just military preparedness (jus ante bellum) as a new category of just war theory. His most recent research is focused on the ethics and politics of climate change.

Van der Linden became professor emeritus in 2018. He taught courses in moral theory, applied ethics, philosophy of law, the history of political philosophy, and contemporary social and political philosophy. His most recent seminars were on drone warfare, collective responsibility, atrocities and evil, and climate change.

Van der Linden served for several years as president of the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center. He was the editor of the Radical Philosophy Review (2010-21) and longtime treasurer of the Radical Philosophy Association (1998-2023).


Present Professor, Butler University Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Classics

Curriculum Vitae


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Contact Information

Department of Philosophy and Religion
Butler University
4600 Sunset Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46208


Articles (26)