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Popular Press
Does Capitalism Require Endless Growth?
Breakthrough JournaL (2016)
  • Harry D. Saunders
Does capitalism require endless growth in material consumption? Many mainstream economists and their "de-growther" interlocutors have long assumed so. At least one economist sees things differently. In this essay, Harry Saunders examines the changes in consumption of resources and the shifting shape economies take after decades of growth. While industry and heavy manufacturing still appear essential for early-stage growth, it also just might be the case that rich countries can produce goods and services more efficiently and rely more on services and knowledge, slowing or stopping the growth in material throughput of economic activity. If Saunders is right, his observations have major implications for environmental sustainability in the twenty-first century.
  • Capitalism,
  • Sustainability,
  • Degrowth,
  • Marx,
  • Malthus,
  • Ecological Economics,
  • Ecomodernism
Publication Date
Summer July 1, 2016
Citation Information
Harry D. Saunders. "Does Capitalism Require Endless Growth?" Breakthrough JournaL Vol. 6 (2016)
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