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The Male Sterility Locus ms3 Is Present in a Fertility Controlling Gene Cluster in Soybean
Journal of Heredity
  • Innan Cervantes-Martinez, Iowa State University
  • Devinder Sandhu, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
  • Min Xu, Iowa State University
  • Evelyn Ortiz-Perez, Dairyland Seed Company
  • Kiyoaki K. Kato, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
  • Harry T. Horner, Iowa State University
  • Reid G. Palmer, United States Department of Agriculture
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Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is self-pollinated. To produce large quantities of hybrid seed, insect-mediated cross-pollination is necessary. An efficient nuclear male-sterile system for hybrid seed production would benefit from molecular and/or phenotypic markers linked to male fertility/sterility loci to facilitate early identification of phenotypes. Nuclear male-sterile, female-fertile ms3 mutant is a single recessive gene and displays high outcrossed seed set with pollinators. Our objective was to map the ms3 locus. A segregating population of 150 F2 plants from Minsoy (PI 27890) × T284H, Ms3ms3 (A00-68), was screened with 231 simple sequence repeat markers. The ms3 locus mapped to molecular linkage group (MLG) D1b (Gm02) and is flanked by markers Satt157 and Satt542, with a distance of 3.7 and 12.3 cM, respectively. Female-partial sterile-1 (Fsp1) and the Midwest Oilseed male-sterile (msMOS) mutants previously were located on MLG D1b. msMOS and Fsp1 are independent genes located very close to each other. All 3 genes are located in close proximity of Satt157. We believe that this is the first report of clustering of fertility-related genes in plants. Characterization of these closely linked genes may help in understanding the evolutionary relationship among them.


This article is from Journal of Heredity 100 (2009); 565, doi: 10.1093/jhered/esp054.

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Citation Information
Innan Cervantes-Martinez, Devinder Sandhu, Min Xu, Evelyn Ortiz-Perez, et al.. "The Male Sterility Locus ms3 Is Present in a Fertility Controlling Gene Cluster in Soybean" Journal of Heredity Vol. 100 Iss. 5 (2009) p. 565 - 570
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