International Conflict Resolution: Consensual ADR Processes
This textbook focuses on consensual approaches to resolving private and public international conflicts. Whether arising in the form of transborder legal disputes between individual parties or at a broader social and political level among nation-states, conflict is pervasive. Consensual processes are essential because of the limitations of domestic judicial processes and the lack of a binding international public process. In consensual processes, decision making belongs to the parties. This book emphasizes the significance of culture in public and private sector conflict resolution, and considers how the processes used in private, commercial consensual dispute resolution differ in the public context.
- public conflicts,
- private conflicts,
- international conflicts,
- international legal disputes,
- international conflict resolution,
- Abramson,
- Harold I. Abramson,
- Harold Abramson,
- consensual dispute resolution,
- Consensual process,
- Nolan-Haley,
- Chew
Publication Date
Citation Information
Harold I. Abramson, Jaqueline Nolan-Haley, and Pat K. Chew. International Conflict Resolution: Consensual ADR Processes. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West, 2005.