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In search of the source of asteroid (101955) Bennu: Applications of the stochastic YORP model
Icarus (2015)
  • W. F. Bottke
  • D. Vokrouhlicky
  • K. J. Walsh
  • M. Delbo
  • P. Michel
  • D. S. Lauretta
  • H. Campins
  • Dr. Harold C. Connolly, Jr., Rowan University
  • D. J. Scheeres
  • S. R. Chelsey
Asteroid (101955) Bennu, the target of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx sample return mission, is a D 0:5 km diameter low albedo near-Earth object. It has a spectral signature consistent with primitive carbonaceous chondrites, and an orbit similar to that of the Earth. A plausible evolution scenario for Bennu is that it migrated inward across the inner main belt from a low albedo family by Yarkovsky thermal forces over many hundreds of Myr. Eventually, it entered a resonance that took it into the terrestrial planet region, where a combination of planetary encounters and resonances took it to its current orbit over a few Myr to tens of Myr. When it departed the main belt, Bennu probably had an eccentricity 0:1 < e < 0:2 and an inclination 1 < i < 6. Several low albedo families have the appropriate dynamical, color, albedo, and broad spectral characteristics to produce Bennu: Clarissa, Erigone, Eulalia, New Polana, and Sulamitis.
  • asteroids,
  • asteroid dynamics,
  • near-Earth objects,
  • celestial mechanics
Publication Date
February, 2015
Citation Information
W. F. Bottke, D. Vokrouhlicky, K. J. Walsh, M. Delbo, et al.. "In search of the source of asteroid (101955) Bennu: Applications of the stochastic YORP model" Icarus Vol. 247 (2015) p. 191 - 217
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