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Contribution to Book
Ethnocracy in Deeply Divided Societies: The Dynamics of Ethnopolitics in Manipur
Vernacular Politics in Northeast India: Democracy, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity (2022)
  • Thongkholal Haokip, Jawaharlal Nehru University
This chapter will examine the dynamics of ethnopolitics in Manipur since the state came into being on 21 January 1972. It will particularly look into how the state falls into ‘ethnocracy trap’ and thus perpetuate ethnocratic regimes for the last several decades. Rather than looking into the demand for internal autonomy within the sub-national state by minority groups, the ethnocratic state has been trying to achieve instrumental ends. This will be seen through the politics of denial of ‘delimitation’ and the Sixth Schedule demand in the State. The chapter will argue for negotiation and accommodation of diverse ethnic aspirations by the state and better management of diversity.
  • Ethnocracy,
  • Ethnopolitics,
  • Ethnicity,
  • Ethnic Politics,
  • Manipur,
  • North East India
Publication Date
May 16, 2022
Jelle J P Wouters
Oxford University Press
10.1093/ oso/ 9780192863461.003.0007
Citation Information
Thongkholal Haokip. "Ethnocracy in Deeply Divided Societies: The Dynamics of Ethnopolitics in Manipur" OxfordVernacular Politics in Northeast India: Democracy, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity (2022) p. 175 - 198
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