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India’s North-East Policy: Continuity and Change
Man and Society (2010)
  • Thongkholal Haokip, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Northeast India is the home of numerous ethnic nationalities. B.G. Verghese describes the region as “another India, the most diverse part of a most diverse country, very different, relatively little known and certainly not too well understood, once a coy but now turbulent and in transition within the Indian transition.” Even though the Northeastern region shares certain problems like ethnic unrests, insurgency, immigration, drug trafficking, communication gap, etc., there are severe intra-regional differences in socio-economic issues and ethno-political aspirations. Not only the hills and valleys are at different level of socio-economic development; the urban and rural areas of the valley exhibit social and economic disparities. The region is in fact, one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse region in Asia and each state has its diverse cultures and traditions. J.B. Fuller wrote in 1909 that, “The province of Assam at the far northeastern corner of India is a museum of nationalities.”
  • India's Northeast Policy,
  • Northeast India,
  • Continuity,
  • Change,
  • Development,
  • Nehru-Elwin,
  • Look East Policy
Publication Date
Winter 2010
Citation Information
Haokip, T. (2010). India’s Northeast Policy: Continuity and Change. Man and Society: A Journal of North East Studies, 7, 86-99.