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Roof Insulation Using Shredded Used Tires and Inexpensive Polymer
Roof Insulation Using Shredded Used Tires and Inexpensive Polymer
  • Fatma Zakaria
  • M. A. Radwan
  • Hany A. Elazab, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Thermal insulation is the ability of the material to prevent or reduce the heat transfer through the insulating material or between thermally contacted objectives. The increasing of the greenhouse effect leads to a continuous rising of the temperature especially in the summer, thus, there is a continuous research that aims to find more effective and environmental friendly insulation materials. Nowadays, a great number of proportions from polyurethane foam are produced every year in order to be used as an insulating material. Polyurethane foam shows an effective heat insulation results, but the price of the polyurethane is getting more expensive. This Book aims to prepare, design and develop effective heat insulation composite based on shredded used automobile tires. Hence, using cheap materials such as shredded used tires, which considered as undesirable waste material, results in both producing a cheap national heat insulating roof tile with good mechanical, waterproofing and thermal insulating characteristics along with solving a serious environmental problem that occurs to get rid of the shredded waste automobile tires.

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
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Citation Information
Fatma Zakaria, M. A. Radwan and Hany A. Elazab. Roof Insulation Using Shredded Used Tires and Inexpensive Polymer. Roof Insulation Using Shredded Used Tires and Inexpensive Polymer (2018)
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