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Impact of Beam Misalignment on Hybrid Beamforming NOMA for mmWave Communications
IEEE Transactions on Communications
  • Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Boise State University
  • Mojtaba Vaezi, Villanova University
  • Hani Mehrpouyan, Boise State University
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This paper analyzes the effect of beam misalignment on rate performance in downlink of hybrid beamforming-based non-orthogonal multiple access (HB-NOMA) systems. First an HB-NOMA framework is designed in multiuser millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. A sum-rate maximization problem is formulated for HB-NOMA, and an algorithm is introduced to design digital and analog precoders and efficient power allocation. Then, regarding perfectly aligned line-of-sight (LoS) channels, a lower bound for the achievable rate is derived. Next, when the users experience misaligned LoS or non-LoS (NLoS) channels, the impact of beam misalignment is evaluated. To this end, a misalignment factor is modeled and each misaligned effective channel is described in terms of the perfectly aligned effective channel parameters and the misalignment factor. Further, a lower bound for the achievable rate is extracted. We then derive an upper bound for the rate gap expression between the aligned and misaligned HB-NOMA systems. The analyses reveal that a large misalignment can remarkably degrade the rate. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to verify the findings.

Copyright Statement

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Citation Information
Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Mojtaba Vaezi and Hani Mehrpouyan. "Impact of Beam Misalignment on Hybrid Beamforming NOMA for mmWave Communications" IEEE Transactions on Communications (2019)
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