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About Hale Toklu, MSc, PhD

Dr. Toklu received her Master of Science and PhD in Pharmacology from the Institute of Health Sciences from Marmara University in Turkey. She began her career in the Department of Pharmacology at Marmara University in Turkey as a Teaching Assistant, advancing to a Lecturer and Postdoctoral fellow, then Associate Professor. She also worked at the Near East University in Nicosia, Cyprus. After receiving trainings by World Health Organization on the rational use of drugs, she has developed a curriculum for problem based pharmacotherapy teaching, which is being used in 3 countries now. Dr. Toklu then had appointments as a Researcher in the Geriatric Research Education & Clinical Center for the VA in Gainesville, Florida. Over the next five years, she continued to practice in Gainesville, as Research Faculty the University of Florida and Adjunct Professor with Santa Fe College.
Dr. Toklu joined the College of Medicine in 2017. She is an Associate Professor of Medical Education in Research and Pharmacology, as well as the North Florida Division Director of Research UCF/ HCA Graduate Medical Education consortium. She has over 20 years of teaching, mentoring, and research experience. She has held various professional memberships with societies and associations, including the Society of Brain Research, Turkish Pharmacological Society, American Heart Association (AHA), International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, and the American Society of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). She has been supported for a number of research endeavors through grants and funding in the USA and abroad. She has acted as a Reviewer, Editor, and Judge for a number of professional organizations and journals and been invited to speak on a number of occasions internationally.
In addition to her research and medical community participation, Dr. Toklu has been awarded a number of prestigious honors and awards. Some of these awards include the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award from Marmara University, Scientific Research Award from the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, a number of Best Presentation awards, and the Alberto Ferrari Prize at the 25th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection in Milan, Italy.


Present Division Director of Research, HCA Healthcare Graduate Medical Education

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2017 - Present Assoc. Prof., University of Central Florida College of Medicine
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neuroscience (2)

Recent Works (3)

Research Works (53)