Present | Professor, East Tennessee State University ‐ Department of Health Services Management and Policy | |
Research Interests
2020 | Tennessee Heart Health Network: Implementing Patient-Centered Practices in Primary Care to Improve Cardiovascular Health |
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - U18HS027952 | |
Role: Co-Investigator | |
$4,500,000 | |
2018 | Tobacco Free Campus Study in Northeast State Community College |
Sullivan County Health Department | |
Role: Principle Investigator | |
$5,000 | |
2017 | Diffusion of 100% Tobacco Free Policies in Higher Educational Institutions in Tennessee |
American Cancer Society | |
Role: Principle Investigator | |
Colleague(s): Guy H. | |
$20,000 | |
2017 | Student-Faculty Collaborative Grant |
East Tennessee State University | |
Role: Principle Investigator | |
Colleague(s): Guy H. | |
$1,200 | |
2016 | mHealth for TB-Tobacco: an Approach to Reduce Tobacco Use Among TB Patients |
National Academy of Sciences and Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research | |
Role: Co-Investigator | |
$344,506 |
Honors and Awards
- >2008 - UCSF Minority Postdoctoral Award for Participation in Compact (Faculty Diversity Conference)
- >2008 - Graduate Student Travel Award (American Political Science Association)
- >2008 - Best Student Award (African-American Cultural Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
- >2008 - Award for Voluntarism (African-American Cultural Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
- >2008 - Graduate Student Award (Middle State Conference, West Virginia State College)
- 2013 - Delta Omega
- 2013 - PRIDE Scholar (National Lung, Heart, and Blood Institute)
- 2013 - Research Foundation Award (East Tennessee State University)
- 2013 - Researcher of the Year (College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University)
- 2016 - Outstanding Service Award (College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University)
- 2017 - Outstanding Service Award (College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University)
- 2017 - Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award (East Tennessee State University)
- BSTA 5310 - Introduction to Biostatistics
- NRSE 5590 - Strategic Planning for Health Care Organizations
- COBH 5125 - Rural Health Research and Practice
- HSMP 6330 - Health Policy, Advocacy, and Ethics
- PSCI 2210 - Comparative Politics
- PSCI 3310 - International Relations
- HSMP 3220 - Health Services Planning
- HSMP 2100 - Health Systems
2005 | PhD, Political Science, West Virginia University | |
2004 | MA, Political Science, West Virginia University | |
2001 | MPA, Political Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania | |
1997 | BA, Political Science, University of Ghana | |
1997 | BA, Philosophy, University of Ghana | |
Contact Information
PO Box 70264
Johnson City, TN 37614
Office: Sherrod Library Room 358
Phone: 423-439-4484