An Overview of Protection Coordination Methods in Distribution Network with DGs
International Conference: Electrical Energy and Industrial Electronic Systems EEIES2009
The recent changes in utility structures, development in renewable technologies and increased attention on environmental concerns have led to increasing installation of renewable energy based distributed generations (DGs) in distribution networks. Presence of such DG units in a distribution network increases the complexity of protection relay coordination, control and maintenance of power distribution systems. High penetration of DGs will have unfavorable impact on the traditional protection methods because the distribution system is no longer radial in nature and is not supplied by a single main power source. With DGs in a distribution network, it becomes more active and the power flows and fault currents may have new directions. To ensure safe and selective protection relay coordination, the impact of DGs should be taken into account when planning DG interconnection. This paper presents an overview of the impacts of DGs on system protection relay coordination particularly in cases where DGs are added to a LV distribution feeder. The main objectives of this paper are to address the protection issues that have been identified in the presence of DGs, to study the protection requirements in the presence of DGs and to discuss the possible innovative solutions in resolving the operation conflicts between distribution network and DGs.
- Protection Coordination Methods; Overview; Distribution Networks; Distributed Generation; DG
Publication Date
Fall December 7, 2009
Citation Information
Hadi Zayandehroodi, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef and Marjan Mohammadjafari. "An Overview of Protection Coordination Methods in Distribution Network with DGs" International Conference: Electrical Energy and Industrial Electronic Systems EEIES2009 (2009) Available at: