WITHOUT A DOUBT, Robert McPherson is one of the most prolific and conscientious writers on the Navajo people in this generation, and an advocate of their life ways, history, and place in American society. He is consummately careful not to breech the right of literary sovereignty native peoples everywhere are exerting over their own culture and heritage. In this latest work one perceives certain humility about his approach to such things, and one enters into the dialogue on that same premise. As co-author/editor, he is gracious in his acknowledgement of those who helped him bring the work to print: Baxter Benally, who did the extended interviews with John Holiday in his native tongue, ever striving to bring out the most salient and connective stories and teachings, and Mary Holiday, a clan relative of John's, who took on the colossal work of translation. Paramount, of course, is first-named co-author,John Holiday.
Originally Published by the Utah State Historical Society in Utah Historical Quarterly.
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