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Termination’s Legacy: The Discarded Indians of Utah
Utah Historical Quarterly
  • H. Bert Jenson, Utah State University
Document Type
University of Nebraska Press
Publication Date

STARTING IN 1954 the Federal Government terminated onehundred plus Indian tribe across the Unit d States. All have subsequently been reinstated, that is, with one exception: the so called mixed-blood Utes in the Uintah Basin of Northeastern Utah. It is this still disenfranchised group of people that form the stimulus driving R. Warren Metcalf's book Termination's Legacy: The Discarded Indians of Utah. It is about these people that he writes; it is their cause he champion.


Originally Published by the Utah State Historical Society in Utah Historical Quarterly.

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Citation Information
Termination’s Legacy: The Discarded Indians of Utah, By R. Warren Metcalf. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2002. xviii + 305 pp.)(Book Review) Utah Historical Quarterly. (Fall 2003)