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About Guru Subramanyam

I am a Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UD. Apart from this, I am also the Director of the Center of Excellence for Thin-Film Research and Surface Engineering (CETRASE) and hold almost 6 patents (some of them in the pending status) and over 100 publications.

*** RESEARCH ***:
My current and previous projects have been funded by DARPA, AFRL, AFOSR, NASA, NSF AND Ohio Board of Regents Research Challenge Grants.
Developed the BST varactor technology which has been licensed by a company (Inventis Corporation) which resulted in a new start-up company (Analog Bridge Incorporated).
AFRL - Development of Biopolymer based sensors and Nanoelectronic Devices (March 2009)
- Senior Member, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Member of American Physical Society (APS)
- Member of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Member of Materials Research Society
- Member of Sigma-Xi
- Member of the Faculty Awards Committee for selection of Alumni Awards for Teaching and Research
- Member of advisory committee for Nano Engineering Science and Technology (NEST)
- Reviewer of manuscripts for IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Electronic Materials, Integrated Ferroelectrics Journal, etc.
- Served as Panelist for NSF Sensors Program (2004)


1998 - Present Professor, University of Dayton Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Present Chairperson, University of Dayton Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Present Joint Appointment with Bioengineering Graduate program, University of Dayton

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Alumni Award for Excellence in Scholarship, UD, April 2008
  • IEEE Dayton Section's Noble Award for Contributions in Electronic Devices, April 2007
  • Sigma Xi's Noland Award for Excellence in Research, UD Sigma Xi Chapter, April 2008
  • Faculty of the Year, IEEE UD Student Chapte, April 2007
  • National Research Council/ AFOSR Summer Faculty Fellow, AFRL, 2001,2002,2003
  • NASA Tech Brief Award, 1998
  • NASA/OAI Summer Faculty Fellowship, Summer 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000


  • Electronic Devices
  • Microelectronic System Design
  • Applied Electromagnetics
  • Microelectronic Devices
  • Digital Communications II
  • Microwave Engineering


1993 PhD, University of Cincinnati ‐ Electrical Engineering
1988 MS, University of Cincinnati ‐ Electrical Engineering
1984 BS, University of Madras ‐ Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Contact Information

Location: Room 341, Kettering Laboratories
Phone: 937-229-3611


Articles (39)

Conference papers (2)