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The Cardinality of Sets of k-Independent Vectors over Finite Fields
Monatshefte fur Mathematik
  • S. B. Damelin, Georgia Southern University
  • Grzegorz J Michalski, Georgia Southern University
  • Gary L. Mullen, The Pennsylvania State University
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A set of vectors is k-independent if all its subsets with no more than k elements are linearly independent. We obtain a result concerning the maximal possible cardinality Indq(n, k) of a k-independent set of vectors in the n-dimensional vector space F qnover the finite field F qof order q. Namely, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for Indq(n, k) = n + 1. We conclude with some pertinent remarks re applications of our results to codes, graphs and hypercubes.

Citation Information
S. B. Damelin, Grzegorz J Michalski and Gary L. Mullen. "The Cardinality of Sets of k-Independent Vectors over Finite Fields" Monatshefte fur Mathematik Vol. 150 Iss. 4 (2007) p. 289 - 295 ISSN: 1436-5081
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