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Virtuous Creativity: The Effects of Leader Behavioral Integrity on Follower Divergent Thinking and Risk-Taking
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (2011)
  • M. E. Palanski, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester, San Jose State University

Despite the preponderance of research concerning creativity and ethical leadership, the possibility of why and how a leader's ethical behaviour may stimulate follower creativity has not been examined. Employing an online experimental design, we applied a virtue ethics framework to examine associations between subordinates' perceptions of their leader's integrity and their intention to think creatively and to engage in risk taking. Subordinates' perceptions of their leader's behavioural integrity positively predicted their sense of psychological safety. Moreover, psychological safety positively predicted followers' intention to think creatively and to take risks.

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Citation Information
M. E. Palanski and Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester. "Virtuous Creativity: The Effects of Leader Behavioral Integrity on Follower Divergent Thinking and Risk-Taking" Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Vol. 28 Iss. 3 (2011)
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