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What Does an Expert Teacher in Instructional Computing Look Like?
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA) (1996)
  • Greta Rollo
  • J Bobis
The aim of this study was two-fold: first, to describe exemplary practice in teaching with computers; and secondly, to isolate criteria appropriate for the identification of expertise in instructional computing that might be useful for future research in this area. Specific criteria for identifying expertise in instructional computing were derived from the literature and from the findings of a case study. It is suggested that documenting expert teaching procedures will provide educators with examples of and ideas for improving practice in mathematics education.
  • Computing,
  • Teachers,
  • Mathematics
Publication Date
July, 1996
University of Melbourne
Citation Information
Rollo, G. & Bobis, J. (1996). What does an expert teacher in instructional computing look like? In P. Clarkson (Ed.), Technology in mathematics education (Proceedings of the 19th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia) (pp. 486-493). Melbourne: MERGA.