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The True Value of a Law Degree, or, Why Did Thurgood Marshall Go to Law School?
Hastings Law Journal Voir Dire
  • Gregory M. Stein, University of Tennessee College of Law
Document Type

There has been vigorous debate in recent months over whether a law degree is a worthwhile investment. Much of this discussion has focused on whether the economic costs of obtaining a degree pay off over a lawyer’s career. This conversation has largely overlooked the many non-economic benefits of a law degree. In this essay, we seek to re-introduce several non-economic factors back into this important dialogue. We suggest that prospective law school applicants would be wise to consider these non-economic factors in addition to economic ones.

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Citation Information
Dessem, R. Lawrence and Stein, Gregory M., The True Value of a Law Degree, or, Why Did Thurgood Marshall Go to Law School?. 65 Hastings Law Journal Voir Dire 11 (2013), University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2014-01, University of Tennessee Legal Studies Research Paper No. 227, Available at SSRN: