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Following the Evidence: Approaches to Assessment in Academic Libraries
Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Gregory A Smith, Liberty University
Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding

A pecha kucha session presented at the fall conference of the Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section, Emporia, KS, 15 October 2010. Kansas Library Association College and University Libraries Section Proceedings 1 (2011): 96-108.


In an environment of strained budgets and heightened accountability, academic libraries need to base their planning, decision-making, and advocacy on evidence more than ever before. Fortunately, the resources required to collect, analyze, and visualize data—thus turning it into evidence—are increasingly accessible. This session will challenge participants to grow in their handling of evidence by exposing them to a range of data sources and analysis tools. In order to accomplish this goal, the presenter will share brief sketches of a number of recent library assessment efforts, focusing on projects with which he has been involved personally. The session’s brevity will preclude showing participants the mechanics of any specific kind of assessment. Therefore, the presenter’s primary aim will be to impart a vision for using evidence to increase efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction. A secondary aim will be to refer participants to a variety of resources for further exploration: tools, books, journal literature, conferences, and more.

Citation Information
Gregory A Smith. "Following the Evidence: Approaches to Assessment in Academic Libraries" (2011)
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