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Facilitating the Adoption of Contingency Management for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
Behavior Analysis and Practice
  • John M. Roll, Washington State University
  • Gregory J. Madden, Utah State University
  • Richard Rawson, University of California - Los Angeles
  • Nancy M. Petry
Document Type
Association for Behavior Analysis International
Publication Date

Contingency management (CM) is an effective treatment strategy for addressing many types of substance abuse disorders and associated problems. Nonetheless, CM protocols have not been widely embraced by community-based treatment providers. Exploration of the viability of CM outside of a research context remains largely an academic pursuit. In this paper, we outline several areas that may hinder the transfer of CM technology into community-based practice settings, review the literature that may address these barriers, and offer suggestions to researchers for overcoming them.


Originally published by the Association for Behavior Analysis International. Publisher's PDF and HTML fulltext available through remote link via PubMed Central. This article appeared in Behavior Analysis in Practice.
Note: Greg Madden was affiliated with the University of Kansas at time of publication.

Citation Information
Roll, J. M., Madden G. J., Rawson, R., & Petry, N. M. (2009). Facilitating the adoption of contingency management for the treatment of substance use disorders. Behavior Analysis and Practice, 2, 4-13.