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The development and field test of the Education Technology Leadership Assessment survey
Retrospective Theses and Dissertations
  • Greg Davis, Iowa State University
Degree Type
Date of Award
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
First Advisor
Scott McLeod
Second Advisor
Barbara Licklider
Third Advisor
Gary Phye

Education Technology Leadership is known to be a key element in the successful use of technology in education. The evaluation of education technology leadership is often aided by the use of education technology standards for administrators. While education technology leadership is often associated as primarily the role of school administrators, education technology leadership also emerges from other sources; for example, teachers, technology coordinators, parents, students, and community members. Collaborative leadership theory provides a theoretical basis for the premise that education technology leadership may be effectively distributed across an organization. There is support in the literature indicating school administrators have been successful in achieving sustainable change through the use of collaborative leadership techniques. Often education technology, under the direction of a effective education technology leadership, is used as a change agent in school improvement initiatives.;The purpose of this study was to develop an assessment of education technology leadership. With the assistance of an expert panel, a survey titled the Education Technology Leadership Assessment (ETLA) was created. The ETLA was intended to be a general purpose education technology leadership assessment. It was similar to the Principal Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA) survey (Center for the Advanced Study of Leadership in Education, 2005). Where the PTLA was based on ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A), the ETLA was based on the ISTE Technology Leadership (TL) Standards.;The data analysis results of this study produced evidence of ETLA item reliability and validity. In addition, the EFA process generated six factors and helped to identify inter-relationships between those factors and the TL Standards used to provide the original framework for the ETLA. These findings indicated that the ETLA had potential as a useful assessment of education technology leadership. This study's findings were limited by the use of one sample population. A recommendation for future research is to continue to evaluate ETLA reliability, validity, and data inter-relationships as additional data sets are collected.

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Copyright Owner
Greg Davis
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204 pages
Citation Information
Greg Davis. "The development and field test of the Education Technology Leadership Assessment survey" (2008)
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