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About Greg Hilmas

Dr. Greg Hilmas, Curators' Distinguished Professor of Ceramic Engineering in the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Missouri University of Science and Technology, earned his B.S. from the University of Minnesota, M.S. from the Ohio State University and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. After joining Missouri S&T as an Assistant Professor in 1998, he was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in September 2004, promoted to Full Professor in September 2007, and promoted to Curators' Professor in January 2012. Prior to joining Missouri S&T in 1998, he worked as the Composite Materials Manager at Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc., a small ceramic R&D company, in Tucson, AZ.

Dr. Hilmas served as chair of the Materials Science and Engineering department from August 2018 to July 2021. He had served as interim department chair since July 2017.

Dr. Hilmas’ research expertise lies in the area of processing-microstructure-mechanical property relationships in structural ceramics. He has been awarded more than $20M in research contracts from more than 25 different funding agencies and private companies over the past 18 years. His current research, predominantly funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Air Force Research Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and private industry, involves the development of ultrahigh temperature ceramics for propulsion and thermal protection applications. He also has active research programs in rapid prototyping of 3D structural ceramics and bioceramics for bone replacement.
Dr. Hilmas is a member of The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) and was elevated to Fellow of ACerS in 2009. He is also a member of TMS, ASM International, and Keramos.  He has served for ACerS as Chair of the sub-committee on the Orton Memorial Lecture and Award, Member of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Jeppson Award Committee, Past President of the Ceramic Educational Council, and is currently President of the Keramos National Board of Directors.  He is the author or co-author of more than 110 refereed papers, holds ten U.S. patents, and has three patents pending for the development of novel ceramic and composite architectures.  He received an R&D100 Award in 2002 for the development of diamond/metal co-extruded composites now being manufactured in Italy for the petroleum drilling industry.  He has also received ten campus-wide Outstanding Teaching Awards from Missouri S&T, three Sustained Excellence in Teaching Awards from Missouri S&T, and eleven consecutive Faculty Excellence Awards from Missouri S&T for excellence in teaching, research, and service.
He is the author or co-author of more than 100 journal and proceedings papers, holds eight U.S. patents, and has three patents pending for the development of novel ceramic and composite architectures. He received an R&D100 Award in 2002 for the development of diamond/metal co-extruded composites for the petroleum drilling industry. He has also received eight campus-wide Outstanding Teaching Awards from Missouri S&T, three Sustained Excellence in Teaching Awards from Missouri S&T, and ten consecutive Faculty Excellence Awards from Missouri S&T for excellence in teaching, research, and service.
His specialties include mechanical properties of ceramics and composites; ceramic processing; fibrous monolith processing; structural ceramics; boride, carbide, and nitride ceramics; and ultra-high temperature ceramics.


January 2012 - Present Curators' Professor of Ceramic Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
August 2018 - July 2021 Department Chair, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
July 2017 - August 2018 Interim Department Chair, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
September 2007 - December 2011 Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
September 2004 - August 2007 Associate Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
March 1998 - August 2004 Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering
January 1995 - March 1998 Composite Materials Manager, Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc.

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Honors and Awards

  • S&T Sustained Excellence in Outstanding Teaching Award (2019)
  • S&T Outstanding Teaching Award, 2019
  • S&T Outstanding Teaching Award, 2016-17
  • Fellow, American Ceramic Society (2009)
  • R&D100 Award (2002)
  • 10 Consecutive Faculty Excellence Awards, Missouri S&T (2000-2009)
  • 9 Teaching Awards, Missouri S&T


  • Ceramic Engineering 338 - Thermal Properties (Senior/Graduate level)
  • Ceramic Engineering 306 - Thermomechanical Properties and their use in Design (Senior/Graduate level)
  • Ceramic Engineering 104 - Ceramics in the Modern World (Sophomore level)


1993 Ph. D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
1989 M.S. in Ceramic Engineering, The Ohio State University
1986 B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota

Contact Information

Materials Science and Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
B47 McNutt Hall
Rolla, MO 65409-0340

Phone:(573) 341-6102
Fax:(573) 341-6934


Research Works (306)