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Contribution to Book
Primary Care of Children with Cerebral Palsy.
Clinics in Family Practice
  • Lisa B Green
  • Grant M Greenberg, M.D., M.H.S.A., M.A., Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Edward Hurvitz
Publication/Presentation Date

The medical care of a child with CP can be challenging. Families and patients can benefit from an understanding physician who can look past the complexities of the medical condition and address important social and emotional issues that can be overlooked when care is fragmented among multiple specialists. Although CP is a complex disorder that frequently requires specialty care, knowledge of the specific classes and musculoskeletal features of CP, examination techniques, medications, therapy options, and medications can help the primary care physician facilitate care in a caring and appropriate manner.

Document Type
Book Chapter
Citation Information

Green, L., Greenberg, G. M., & Hurwitz, E. (2003). Primary care of children with cerebral palsy. Clinics in Family Practice, 5(2), 467-491..