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Electronic control of the structural stability of quasiperiodic linear chains
Inorganic Chemistry (1986)
  • Jeremy K. Burdett, University of Chicago
  • Gordon J. Miller, University of Chicago
The recent notion of quasi-periodic systems proposed by Steinhardt
and colleagues coupled with the observed icosahedral
symmetry of electron diffraction patterns in Mn-A1 alloys presents
systems conceptually intermediate between a random network and
the crystalline solid.'v2 The pentagonal symmetry properties are
incommensurate with translational symmetry yet represent a
nonrandom arrangement of atoms. What is the electornic nature
of such quasi-periodic systems, especially when compared to alternatives,
which may or may not possess translational periodicity?
In this communication, we shall select a series of linear chains
with one orbital per site to model the three cases: periodic,
quasi-periodic, and random. We shall analyze the eigenvalue
spectra of these model systems and examine their structural
stability as a function of electron count.
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Inorg. Chem., 1986, 25 (23), pp 4069–4071. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.
Citation Information
Jeremy K. Burdett and Gordon J. Miller. "Electronic control of the structural stability of quasiperiodic linear chains" Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 25 Iss. 23 (1986) p. 4069 - 4071
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