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Research and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in the Case of Linear Programming
Croatian Operational Research Review
  • Ljiljana Miletić, Gimnazija Požega
  • Goran Lesaja, Georgia Southern University
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The paper evaluates the effectiveness of the e-learning approach to linearprogramming. The goal was to investigate how proper use of information andcommunication technologies (ICT) and interactive learning helps to improve high schoolstudents’ understanding, learning and retention of advanced non-curriculum material.The hypothesis was that ICT and e-learning is helpful in teaching linear programmingmethods. In the first phase of the research, a module of lessons for linear programming(LP) was created using the software package Loomen Moodle and other interactivesoftware packages such as Geogebra. In the second phase, the LP module was taught asa short course to two groups of high school students. These two groups of students weresecond-grade students in a Croatian high school. In Class 1, the module was taughtusing ICT and e-learning, while the module was taught using classical methods in Class2. The action research methodology was an integral part in delivering the course to bothstudent groups. The sample student groups were carefully selected to ensure thatdifferences in background knowledge and learning potential were statistically negligible.Relevant data was collected while delivering the course. Statistical analysis of thecollected data showed that the student group using the e-learning method producedbetter results than the group using a classical learning method. These findings supportprevious results on the effectiveness of e-learning, and also establish a specific approachto e-learning in linear programming.


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Citation Information
Ljiljana Miletić and Goran Lesaja. "Research and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in the Case of Linear Programming" Croatian Operational Research Review Vol. 7 Iss. 1 (2016) p. 109 - 127 ISSN: 1848-9931
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