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COVID‐19 Interconnectedness Health Inequity the Climate Crisis and Collective Trauma
Family Process (2020)
  • Gonzalo Bacigalupe
  • Marlene Watson
  • Jose Ruben Parra Cardona, Michigan State University
The COVID-19 pandemic brings to the forefront the complex interconnected dilemmas of globalization, health equity, economic security, environmental justice, and collective trauma, severely impacting the marginalized and people of color in the United States. This lack of access to and the quality of healthcare, affordable housing, and lack of financial resources also continue to have a more significant impact on documented and undocumented immigrants. This paper aims at examining these critical issues and developing a framework for family therapists to address these challenges by focusing on four interrelated dimensions: cultural values, social determinants of health, collective trauma, and the ethical and moral responsibility of family therapists. Given the fact that family therapists may unwittingly function as the best ally of an economic and political system that perpetuates institutionalized racism and class discrimination, we need to utilize a set of principles, values, and practices that are not just palliative or after the fact but bring forth into the psychotherapeutic and policy work a politics of care. Therefore, a strong call to pro-mote and advocate for the broader continuum of health and critical thinking preparing professionals to meet the challenges of health equity, as well as economic and environmental justice, is needed. The issues discussed in this paper are specific to the United States despite their relevance to family therapy as a field. We are mindful not to generalize theUnited States’ reality to the rest of the world, recognizing that issues discussed in this paper could potentially contribute to international discourse.
  • COVID-19 Health Inequity Social Determinants of Health Ethics of Care Collective Trauma Climate Crisis
Publication Date
June 26, 2020
Citation Information
Watson, M., Bacigalupe, G., Daneshpour, M., Han, W.J., & Parra-Cardona, R. (2020, June 26). COVID-19 interconnectedness: Health inequity, the climate crisis, and collective trauma. Family Process, 59 (3).