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Unpublished Paper
McNamara 20171227W draft - smFISH and qIF plus optical clearing Li Germain Gerner 2017 PNAS - GI division short talk.pdf
McNamara unpublished (2017)
  • George McNamara
Unpublished (except here at bepress) presentation on single molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) and quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy (qIF) plus optical clearing of tissues. Features "Ce3D" mpaper by Li Germain Gerner 2017 PNAS.
  • optical clearing,
  • smFISH,
  • quantitative immunofluorescence,
  • qIF
Publication Date
Winter December 27, 2017
Light microscopy tips. See also my MPMicro for older stuff.
Citation Information
McNamara 2017 smFISH, qIF and optical clearing
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC_BY-SA International License.