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GMcNamara 20120207U UMiami AICF - Leica SP5inverted 5PMT test - almost 5 year old PMT3 vs brand new PMT3
  • George McNamara

GMcNamara 20120207U UMiami AICF - Leica SP5inverted 5PMT test - almost 5 year old PMT3 vs brand new PMT3

Leica LIF file containing two images, each with five panels. The five panels are in order: PMT1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 40x/1.25 NA oil immersion objective lens, 1x Zoom, 488 nm excitation (low laser power, no photobleaching), 500-550 nm emission, H&E tissue section. Same focus, sequential scanning. PMT gain = 600 for each channel (offset - 0.0, which on the SP5 internal detectors at this gain results in >0 intensity for all pixels even if no laser light). Each image panel is an 8 frame average, 600 Hz (fastest standard scanner speed at 1x zoom).

01 - old PMT3 is dim (3rd panel). Brightness is PMT 2 > 1 ~ 4 ~5 > 3.

Following the above image, Leica field service replaced - under service contract - PMT3 with a new PMT. Different field of view was used for image 2.

01 - newPMT3 is brightest (3rd panel). Brightness is PMT 3 > 2 > 1 ~ 4 ~5.

This Leica SP5 inverted confocal microscope scanhead is serial number 157 (57th scanhead produced - in 2012 Leica is now well over 1,000 SP5 scanheads sold worldwide).

The free Leica .LIF file viewer software, LAS AF ALite, is available from

  • confocal microscope,
  • fluorescence,
  • photomultiplier tube,
  • PMT,
  • performance
Publication Date
Winter February 10, 2012
George McNamara, University of Miami, AICF. CC0 (Creative Commons "copyright zero)". Data cannot be copyrighted.
Citation Information
George McNamara. "GMcNamara 20120207U UMiami AICF - Leica SP5inverted 5PMT test - almost 5 year old PMT3 vs brand new PMT3" (2012)
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