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Tiki_Goddess on ThorLabs Digital Slide Imager (4x zoom down)
  • George McNamara, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Tiki_Goddess on ThorLabs Digital Slide Imager (4x zoom down), gamma 1.5. See also other Tiki_Goddess slide images on my bepress web site. I am posting the 4x zoom down image here because the full resolution and 2x zoom scans are too big for me to easily montage automatically in MetaMorph and way too much hassle to do manually in Adobe Photoshop.

  • Tiki_Goddess,
  • digital slide scan,
  • whole slide imaging
Publication Date
Winter May 2, 2015
Data are not subject to copyright. Please acknowledge Dr. George McNamara if you re-use Tiki_Goddess.
Citation Information
George McNamara. "Tiki_Goddess on ThorLabs Digital Slide Imager (4x zoom down)" (2015)
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